Saturday 15 November 2014

Perkampungan Tradisional Gunung Keriang


                 Perkampungan Tradisional Gunung Keriang is located 8 kilometre from town. It is near at Gunung Keriang, Muzium Padi and Pusat Sains. It has 16 units of traditional house complete with traditional tools like ‘batu lesung’, dishes, kettle and others. There are also provided traditional toilet like old house. It is a interesting places that must tourist visited. It is because the best scenery over there.
                 The idea to build  this place originally came from Dato'Intan Syafinaz.It is under government initiative to improve the development of this state.She had hire several  person in charge of human resources,financial and etc.
                The person in charge as human resources is Encik Hamdan Bin Suit.And then, under him,there will be six person in charge of security, cleaning service , arranging the timetable all of the task.
                 It is also have use 6.4 million to make this Perkampungan Tradisional. Unfortunately, this project cannot move successfully. There are  some problem and recommendation about Perkampungan Gunung Keriang.


   1)   Management

                   The management is not systematic. So that the surrounding around Perkampungan tradisional is not attract tourist attention to visit and stay at that place.

                    Lack of staff to take over all the task to make sure that place clean and untidy.An example,the place are very scared to tourist stay at there.The dangerous animal also have make the place as their habitats.It will give unsafe surrounding to people who living near the place.
                    The Perkampungan tradisional also provide lift to traveller who wants to get into the Gua Gunung Keriang and see the most unique and fantastic view at there.

2)   Promotion
                   This place are the most special place to visit by tourist but the promotion not too effect on their expectation.This is because there is no much information that were provided to the customer.

                  The management department also did not give more details about what the customer want and needs.An example like how much the price for one day,what the accommodation were provide,and etc.

                    The location is not strategic.This is because the place are very near to the Gunung Keriang.It is about 100 metre from Gunung Keriang.    

                    This were create the unsafe place to the visitor to get there.Sometimes the rock will fallig down when there have bad climate.

4)  Waste of government capital

                     The budget of making the Perkampungan Tradisional under Rancangan Malaysia       Ke-9 (RMK9)  were came true is  6.4 million.The project didn’t finished yet eventhough it have been many years.This environment will create bad reputation if outside tourist make a visit and see this surrounding.

                      If the government not continue the project it will waste the citizen money that will good if it use in proper way to develop the infrastructure in the near area like Taman Rekreasi Gunung Keriang. From observation the place also have many problem lack of accommodation like toilet, outlet for sell crystal and etc. 

Advantage of Perkampungan Tradisional Gunung Keriang

Gunung Keriang
4.Also have history recorded at that place

                  At there also, there is certain angle that have history of Rumah Tradisonal.So that all the customer will have chance to explore the history of the Rumah Tradisional.



             From problem that Perkampungan Tradisional have we can suggest that Perkampungan Tradisional must have a good management.It is because many infrastructure  that build but do not have a good management  and cause idle infrastructure.The management and renovation that suppose to do are:

1.Building for seller.
                Stall must make systematic management, suitable and interesting  place that easy for seller to sell their product that source from that mountain. Such as crsytal.
               Restaurant : must make comfortable restaurant.Tourist will easy get food and drink at Gunung Keriang if they go there. Local people also will  have safe place and comfortable place to do a  business.

2.Homestay(Perkampungan Tradisional)
                Make a strategic location and manage a Perkampungan Tradisional that  fulfill all facilities that tourist want. Make comfortable toilet and make sure the toilet clean for tourist and local people

3.Continue the project

                   The government should take action to find the contractor who willing to continue this project successfully.It is because many capital that were invest in this project.


                  Promotion is the publicization of a product ,organization,or venture to increase sales or public awareness .Perkampungan Gunung Keriang must have a good promotion such as make advertisement in electronic media,newspaper and magazine.
                  Actually Perkampungan Tradisional Gunung Keriang  have a potential for go forward.It is because surrounding Perkampungan  Tradisional Gunung Keriang has Muzium padi,Pusat Sains and Recreation Park but lack of promotion make the Perkampungan Gunung Keriang not known.So the government must involved to increase the promotion and solve the problem.

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